Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Arabian Nights

Marc Chagall's Arabian Nights is beautiful to look at... I want to read it as I fall asleep so I can get carried into the dreamscape.
He began to illustrate four of the stories in 1945 and they were published by Pantheon Books in 1948.
"In carefully choosing just four tales from the more than 300 in Arabian Nights, Chagall confessed to a quite special interest in their contents. Strong ties to the beloved, the fateful element of love, the separation of lovers and their reunion, as well as the meaning of death, are the most important features common to the four stories," (from the forward written by Norbert Nobis).

Allan Gardens

IMG_2149, originally uploaded by Things We Love.

These tulips look like goblets!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Moth

Sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, sometimes sad, always thought-provoking. "The stories are true stories told from the storytellers' lives and must be told live, without notes." has featured hundreds of people from all walks of life. Firefighters, sleepwalkers, voodoo priestesses, philosophers, "everyday people," and famous names like Malcolm Gladwell, Erica Jong and John Turturro.
Podcasts are available at iTunes, with new stories uploaded weekly. There are Story Slams, the Main Stage and the Annual Moth Ball, all designed to help us remember just how extraordinary the ordinary can really be.
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